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inverse, n.
  1. (of a bijection) andhverfa
    -> inverse function, inverse mapping
  2. (of a matrix) = inverse matrix
  3. (of an implication) umhverfing
  4. (with respect to an operation) umhverfa, andhverfa
    = inverse element, reciprocal 2, reciprocal element 2
    -> additive inverse, multiplicative inverse, inverse matrix, inverse number
  5. = inverse image
inverse, adj.
  1. (of a mapping) andhverfur
  2. (with respect to an operation) umhverfur
    = reciprocal 2
additive inverse
  1. samlagningarumhverfa, samlagningarandhverfa
    -> inverse 4
inverse average
  1. þýtt meðaltal
    = harmonic average, harmonic mean
inverse calculation
  1. afturinnsetning, endurinnsetning
    = back substitution
    -> forward substitution
inverse circular function
  1. bogafall, arkarfall
    = antitrigonometric function, arc-trigonometric function, cyclometric function, inverse trigonometric function
inverse correlation
  1. neikvæð fylgni
    = antithetic correlation, negative correlation
inverse cosine
  1. arkarkósínus
    = arc cosine
inverse cotangent
  1. arkarkótangens
    = arc cotangent
inverse element
  1. = inverse 4
inverse fraction
  1. umhverft brot
inverse function
  1. andhverfa (falls), andhverft fall
    -> inverse 1
inverse hyperbolic cosine
  1. andhverfur breiðbogakósínus
    = area-hyperbolic cosine
inverse hyperbolic cotangent
  1. andhverfur breiðbogakótangens
    = area-hyperbolic cotangent
inverse hyperbolic function
  1. andhverft breiðbogafall
    = antihyperbolic function, area-hyperbolic function
inverse hyperbolic sine
  1. andhverfur breiðbogasínus
    = area-hyperbolic sine
inverse hyperbolic tangent
  1. andhverfur breiðbogatangens
    = area-hyperbolic tangent
inverse image
  1. formynd, frummynd, öfug mynd
    = counterimage, inverse 5, preimage
inverse limit
  1. öfugt markgildi
    = limit 2, projective limit
inverse logarithm
  1. andlogri
    = antilogarithm
inverse mapping
  1. andhverfa (vörpunar), andhverf vörpun
    -> inverse 1
inverse mapping theorem
  1. andhverfusetning
inverse matrix
  1. andhverfa (fylkis), umhverfa (fylkis), andhverft fylki, umhverft fylki
    = adjugate matrix 3, inverse 2, reciprocal matrix
inverse number
  1. umhverf tala, umhverfa, margföldunarumhverfa, andhverf tala, andhverfa, margföldunarandhverfa, gagnkvæm tala
    = reciprocal number
inverse point
  1. hringhverfing punkts, spegilmynd punkts í hring
  2. kúluhverfing punkts, spegilmynd punkts í kúlu
inverse probability theorem
  1. Bayes-setning, setning Bayes
    = Bayes's theorem
inverse relation
  1. andhverf vensl
    = dual 2
inverse rule of three
  1. öfug þríliða
    -> rule of three
inverse sine
  1. arkarsínus
    = arc sine
inverse tangent
  1. arkartangens
    = arc tangent
inverse trigonometric function
  1. arkarfall, bogafall
    = antitrigonometric function, arc-trigonometric function, cyclometric function, inverse circular function
inversely congruent
  1. spegilsamsniða, óeiginlega samsniða
    = oppositely congruent
    -> congruent 2, directly congruent
inversely proportional
  1. í öfugu hlutfalli við
    = reciprocally proportional
    -> directly proportional
left inverse
  1. (of a mapping) vinstri andhverfa, andhverfa frá vinstri
  2. (with respect to an operation) vinstri umhverfa, umhverfa frá vinstri, vinstri andhverfa, andhverfa frá vinstri
multiplicative inverse
  1. margföldunarumhverfa, margföldunarandhverfa, umhverfa
    = reciprocal 1, reciprocal element 1
    -> inverse 4
right inverse
  1. (of a mapping) hægri andhverfa, andhverfa frá hægri
  2. (with respect to an operation) hægri umhverfa, umhverfa frá hægri, hægri andhverfa, andhverfa frá hægri
two-sided inverse
  1. tvíhliða umhverfa