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Galois and his Groups - Fundur fyrir alla félagsmenn

Miðvikudaginn, 5. október 2016 - 16:45
stofa V-156 í VR-II við Hjarðarhaga

Fundur verður haldinn í félaginu miðvikudaginn 5. október í stofu VR-156 í VR-II við Hjarðarhaga. Að venju hefst fundurinn með kaffidrykkju kl 16:45, en kl 17:00 heldur dr. Peter M. Neumann prófessor við Queen's College, háskólanum í Oxford fyrirlestur sem hann gefur yfirskriftina: Galois and his groups.

Efni fyrirlestrarins lýsir Peter svo:
When Galois invented groups they were very different from the structures taught and learned and loved in undergraduate courses in modern universities. My purpose in this lecture will be to explain the differences and calibrate the similarities. As a by-product I hope to show that topics in the History of Mathematics can be just as exciting, subtle and difficult as mathematics itself.

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